More On Popular Variations of Blackjack

Pontoon is the English variation of blackjack which is impossible to meet at American casinos though you can easily find and play it online. This game became popular in the beginning of the 20th century thanks to English soldiers, and today only few different features can be noticed between Pontoon and American Blackjack: first of all, Pontoon does not have any official rules (every casino determines its own set of rules for this game); secondly, Pontoon has some special terms to learn.


Blackjack Switch is the favorite blackjack variation of many gamblers because it lets them playing blackjack with two separate hands of cards and getting more chances for winning as a result: two identical bets are made for both hands, so, a gambler has a chance to get more money. Moreover, a player is allowed to switch cards between his/her two hands in order to get a better combination for winning. A special set of extra rules was developed for Blackjack Switch.

Perfect Pairs

This blackjack variation reminds a conventional blackjack much though some additional rules are present of course. Here a player has a right to make an additional bet which wins if s/he has a pair of cards as the initial hand. What is a pair? It is any two cards of the same pattern: two 8's, two Queens, two 10's etc. So, if a player has a pair his/her additional bet wins; if not - s/he loses this bet but continue playing the game with his/her initial bet. Pairs can be of 3 types actually: mixed, colored and perfect ones.

Vegas Strip

The following blackjack variation has got its name after the famous boulevard in Las Vegas where many popular casinos are located. Vegas Strip is played in many casinos of Vegas and it reminds a traditional blackjack game very much. This variation is played with 4 decks of cards and forces both a player and a dealer making the options of splitting and doubling down under certain circumstances. You will not be able to play Vegas Strip if you do not know the blackjack rules perfectly.

Super 21

Super Fun 21 has deserved the right to be called so because this blackjack game is really interesting and funny to gamble; moreover, it is very easy because it is played with only 1 deck of cards. So, it is unnecessary to use card counting for this game as it will not work anyway. The rules of Super 21 are very easy to remember, but be sure that you know them perfectly before going and playing it at a casino: being easy, this game can beat you out of much money.

European Blackjack

This blackjack variation does not differ much from a conventional blackjack: this game is perfect for those ones who do not want to learn and play anything completely new. The rules are practically the same with American Blackjack with very slight differences (for example, you are welcome to hit up to 9 (!) additional cards). Other options (standing, splitting, doubling down, surrendering, and insurance) are the same as well as the object of the game.
